The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Thirty Seven

How do you transform a planet? You awaken people to their own power and encourage them to use it. The long and short of it is that helping people at a grass-roots level to realize and use their potential power, self-empowerment, is precisely how you bring about the demise, or transfiguration, of the dark control structures. Once again, Their planning – the AMs- is just blow-your-hair-back brilliant and ridiculously potent, again solidly illustrating that the changes on Earth are going to come about through us, and by our efforts, works and fruits, and in no other way, but can you imagine being involved in anything more fun than that?

To address a mainstream smoker market, you of course have to take a mainstream approach, and that’s why Peter was being hounded by Them to stick to a nonmystical approach to it all. I saw that he could use some help in strategizing…well, everything, and because I suddenly saw it all so clearly and how simply it presented itself (realizing that it’s nevertheless a huge job we’re undertaking), I saw what needed to be done. That was to find some slick centerpiece name for everything on Peter’s side of the equation, and I always liked Self-Empowerment Technologies, but Peter liked Self-Empowerment Technology and went with it. Almira was actually for MY side of things, the mystical side, so to speak, while I myself am charged with focusing on business matters. So what you have is this weird complementarity that I touched on above. Here you have a wizard who sees into multiple dimensions and watches as Sasquatches chase my truck, Peter, who must develop self-empowerment systems for mainstream thinking, and here you have me, the hired-gun businessman, who must always focus on mundane business but from time to time render this potent and very mystical alchemy, can see how to address these classically mundane, or mainstream, markets. By the way, mundane actually means “Earthly.”

So, once I got looking into what was happening, I remembered that it’s all Mind, of course, and we had Self-Empowerment Technology, or SET, and the first thing that needed to happen was to build a brand that wouldn’t be a mouthful for people. MindSET, short for Mind Self Empowerment Technology, was the obvious choice, and the modules would then have initials, hopefully two, such as CF, SW or FW. So I ran with that as a centerpiece-like brand, knowing that all modules would fit its “protocol.” Peter released the SW program on you guys before he even told me he was doing such a program, but the frequencies are so easy to get and translate into variable numbers that it was just something that he was apparently messing with. Well, as we know, when he and I get messing with stuff it turns into something astonishing. I knew that “Structured Water” was somehow wrong, and so I got to thinking about everything that it does, and the only thing that I thought covered it all without being definitive was Firstwater. So that’s when that got switched.

When Peter was still messing around with Niranya and I knew from a mainstream thinking and business standpoint that that wasn’t going to work, the Website itself was silly, jumbled and nonsensical, and Peter knew it, but between having very little experience with Web design, business (entrepreneurially speaking), and for that matter very little time, there wasn’t a way to prioritize it. It became a priority when the new ZPTech site was unveiled, and that it was taken from a template. I directed Peter to a few template Websites and he chose the one you see today. Do you think black and gold is a coincidence? I think NOT! I rebuilt the Self-Empowerment Technology site into what is a more intelligent and practical layout (but not as cool), but Peter changed it back to its original form. From there, all he needed was the text for the site, which I’ve provided as needed (if not a little behind schedule). So, you’re about up to speed with all that.

Now, getting back to the naming of the public “school.” Still not knowing what the hell it was to be called, and knowing that AMS were its initials, I decided I needed to start building a logo, a brand. I felt it important to include the AMs somehow in the design, to pay homage, and so was seeing designs in my head that you could say resembled much of the old alchemical art, emblems, badges, crosses, etc. that you see as alchemical and romantic art throughout the so-called “romantic period” from early Medieval times on through the Renaissance. I was designing it along those lines, or rather, it was designing itself through me is probably more accurate. There was also some alchemy going on that we aren’t at liberty to discuss, but that alchemy was related to the logo. Well, as it turns out I was designing a logo, yes, but also a “seal,” or signet, a device that would unlock very closely guarded doors in higher realms. As the “signet” assembled itself, the fourth image below, I was becoming more and more aware that it’s a type of token, a calling card, and that when one reaches a point where they can actually design it, Keepers of gates and vaults in higher realms are put on notice that someone has reached a given level by sheer dint of what they create in graphic form. The alchemists of old of course used tools other than computers for those designs, but the result is the same or similar. Those symbols become the keys, the passwords, etc., into higher realms. The power of this signet, or seal, is beyond your imagination to grasp, so please always treat it with profound respect. This symbol is in fact the most potent alchemy I have ever done (at least in this embodiment, and probably all of them).

As you know, this is being used in the software, and is in fact the delivery power behind the visible geometry. CHI is of course producing the 5th dimensional geometry on that, a causal plane in the 5th dimension, which corresponds to the “canned” desires geometry that you see. The four names in Sanskrit at the four “corners” are the names of Goddesses that we invoked, which was a crazily powerful experience, and whose names in our language we are not at liberty to disclose publicly at this time. Please don’t ask about that. We’ll be guided to if and/or when the time is right to do that. As Peter brought through the spellings of the names, I heard how they were pronounced, but instinctively knew that I had to ask for permission to pronounce them, and so I did.