The Modern Day Mystic Story Part Twenty Three

Some FirstWave people were experiencing contact of some sort, mainly visions, with alchemically related animals. Mary Beth discussed a lion that she kept having some contact with, and that I should read “The Chronicles of Narnia.” Now mind you that this was well before the movie was out and in fact hadn’t even yet been mentioned as coming out soon. When the movie was announced, I thought, “Why am I not surprised?” Then, when I had a chance to see the movie, I sensed something so deep and profound embedded in it, well beyond what was available to the senses, that I was moved in ways I still can’t put a finger on. But at least one of the things about it that I can describe is that it was an illustration, very clear and poignant, as to just how deep the ancient magick runs, how deeply embedded in it we are and how much the depths of our psyches, our most primal selves, are in contact with it. I’ve since read about half of the book and I haven’t been able to sense the same depth of magick. It’s as though the film has something energetic and very specific flowing through it from some very central source.

Right around that time, before knowledge of the film, I told Peter that both Pam and Mary Beth had had experiences with the lion, and he said, for the first time, that the lion had been hanging around for a while now (he’d just neglected to tell me anything about it) and that it had something to do with being a pet (or whatever) of, I think, Ra, the Egyptian god, or maybe it was one of the Pharoahs. Can’t remember just this minute, and I’m sitting in the middle of nowhere as I type this with no way to contact Peter.

Pam had also had some experience involving other alchemical animals and symbols, right after using Prometheus Rising, I think. Again, as I’ve no way of even checking her post on the private forum I can’t remember what all they were with the exception of the lion and the experience ending with the vision of a skull. But if you were to look up an alchemical painting of some sort, just some typical example, you might find a candle, a book, a skull, a lion, a phoenix, a white vulture (with which I have had some experience), a white dove, some dragons, both red and green, and lions, both red and green. That others were having these experiences on alchemy that had been done through me was all I needed to know that we were doing some very powerful things and working under the patronage, auspices and tutelage of beings that had participated in very similar alchemy in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and may well have used higher versions of it to be able to “go out of phase” with this reality and achieve what many consider “Ascension” to be.

As I began to tune into Prometheus Rising with my own way of inner sight, I sensed a great being with a vast consciousness, unimaginable intelligence, unspeakable power and limitless depth of wisdom. I fell in love with him/her from the outset and held such honor for her/him. Daia told me that he’d (she switched back and forth between “she” and “he”) been sleeping for a very long time, and that she was to start his emergence from her ancient slumber. Peter’s job was to take over the “wake up” and continue it, although I don’t think he ever acknowledged that Daia had anything at all to do with the awakening of Prometheus Rising the dragon to begin with. He said something about “tickling his feet.”

Prometheus Rising also continued to grow, if my own senses were reporting correctly, and in a conversation with Kathy Christine, the intuitive mentioned here and there throughout the FirstWave experience, she said, in so many words, that the size of this being was virtual, relative only to perspective and whatever you had the dragon sitting next to and whatever your imagination wanted to do with it. She said Prometheus could easily wrap himself around the Earth, which conjured into my attention images and feeling impressions that I couldn’t put a finger on, like I’d seen an image of a serpent wrapped around the Earth in either a book, a dream or another life. Towards the latter stages of the alchemy, I was sensing a being something like 4,000 feet in length. Whether that’s true or correct I have no idea because a foot in our realm is probably something completely different than it is in the realm in which Prometheus Rising is indigenous, if even that concept is valid or acceptable.

During the whole alchemical process, Peter and I were never quite clear as to why Greek mythic heroes’ names were being used, apart from a surmise that it had something huge and archetypal embedded in it that required re-enactment at this most crucial juncture in this spacetime continuum, even if it couldn’t be linearly understood.

So not too long ago I was watching something on TLC or Discovery Channel about Sir Isaac Newton and how he studied greek mythology in order to understand alchemical processes. He interpreted the Greek myths and translated them into recipes, and successfully created alchemical metals and other “products” from his own interpretations and translations. Whether or not he was in cahoots with others the program didn’t say, but I suspect he was, since he also was an alleged Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. Needless to say that that jangled some pretty loud bells in my world – to find out that Greek mythologies are alchemical recipes? Hm. Fancy that.

Now, back to Daia…but wait! There’s something else. I’d been having for quite a while something strange going on in my experience where I couldn’t help questioning, for whatever reason, whether or not I was working on the right side. I knew we were working with extraordinary power, but were we being hoodwinked by forces of the dark? And what sort of pawn was I? I knew, and know, that there is a huge power in me, but am I an impostor? What is more sinister: an imposer that doesn’t know he’s an imposer, or one who does? It’s a damned good question. An equally good question is this: is it worse to be paranoid or knowing that you should be?